Yeah, so last week was rough.
I had felt the original quake while at home in Osaka and posted that up on twitter, then went looking around for mor info on what was going on. Then, every ten minutes, things got worse. And worse. And it wouldn’t stop. I was stuck on Twitter, Al Jazeera English, and NHK watching the horrible devastation with that helpless feeling that lingers in your stomach. I was able to get messages out to friends and family, and they appreciated that. But I was pretty much useless for most of the rest of the day.
I have been watching schools and organizations finally start to climb back and start communicating again to the outside world. But people in the area still need help and will continue to need support for quite some time.
This link will take you to the page that Google set up for relief and you can donate directly to the Japan Red Cross Society, Unicef, and Save the Children.
You can also donate direct through iTunes.
For those in the US, I have heard you can text REDCROSS to give a $10 donation.
Do what you can to help those hit in Japan and also those in other parts of the world hit by recent disasters like Christchurch and Haiti.
Thank you